Portage Crooked Lakes Improvement Association is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Joining the Portage Crooked Lakes Improvement Association is a great way to support our lakes and be up to date on lake-related happenings.
Membership helps support:
- Control of various types of invasive weeds
- Water Quality monitoring
- Fish management
- Social Events
- Newsletters
- Safety buoys
- Lake Shore Property Owners Directory
Annual dues are $35. In addition, the following funds are available for you to designate additional, optional contributions:
• General Fund – provides resources to be targeted to the most immediate needs of PCLIA, and not specifically designated to one of our other funds.
• Healthy Lakes / Aquatic Invasive Species – supports our fight against Eurasian Milfoil and other invasive species.
• Fish Stocking – supports our efforts to create a viable walleye fishery.
• Friends and Family Membership – friends and family of lake owners can help support our lakes by joining our association as guest members.
It is easy to become a member. You now have two options to submit your membership form and payment:
Option 1 –
Fill out the printed form and mail a check for the membership dues ($35) plus any additional optional donations to:
PO Box 564
Deerwood, MN 56444
Option 2 –
Complete the online form below and pay by credit card. If using this online registration please pay by credit card or ACH only. Do not mail a check.
Online form instructions:
- Fill in the “Property Owner Name(s)”, “Lake Address” and “Newsletter Delivery Preference”. These are required fields.
- If you don’t have any changes to your mailing address, phone numbers, email address, or resident status, you do not need to fill out those sections. If you would like to sign up Friends & Family, add their name and email address.
- If you are a new member or your information has changed, please complete all sections with the **. If you would like to sign up Friends & Family, add their name and email address.
- Click “Submit Form and Proceed to Payments” button. You will be redirected to our 3rd party payment service website (Vanco). Once you are in the Vanco payment site click on “Pay” under “Annual Membership Dues”. If you wish to contribute to one or more of the other funds add them to your basket and continue shopping. Once completed check out and pay all selections at once. It is not necessary to pay each contribution separately by resubmitting the membership form each time.
We would appreciate your payment by January 31, 2025